9:45 AM on Thursday, July 08, 2004
Weekend approaching....
Continuing from where I left off last time:
The real estate hunt proved too much to take. After hours spent in talking to the builder, financers, family, friends and the lawyer we finally hit on a stumbling block that forced me to let go of the same. I'm exhausted.... but still not sure if I should take a break from the whole thing for a little while or to press further and carry on to the next builder, and the next, and the next.... what was that bit about perseverance again? ;)

Had a nice trip to Delhi (apart from the not-so-nice experience in the morning). Spoke to Sandy after a long time. Missed Nirula's burger though.... Maybe next time? ;)

Later in the day:
Got drenched again. But for a change, I don't mind it so much. Point is I got my work done for which I had to venture out.

Upgrade to Thunderbird working very fine for me. Tempted to switch back from Evolution. But I shall wait for Evo 2 before making any decisions.


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